Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bleeding for America

Before venturing off to the Middle East, I had a lot of opinions about people from different religious and cultural backgrounds.  Growing up a poor, black woman in America helped to shape those beliefs; good or bad.  It is said, you don't see the world as it is, you see the world as you are and before coming to Abu Dhabi, I may have believed that most white Americans didn't have respect, understanding or appreciation for many black Americans.  My world as it was, was simply black and white, as is everything in America.

Having now lived abroad and experienced people from all over the world, literally, I can say that I no longer feel like a black woman, living in a white mans world, but instead, I feel like a human being and while most people here don't believe that there are black people in the US (that's another conversation), I am proud to be referred to as simply, an American.

All my life I have exchanged descriptions related to race, but it feels so empowering to finally exchange descriptions based on lineage.  I know that my roots date back farther than my ancestors arrival to North America, but all I know and all I've ever known is America and for that, I am grateful.

It is a great time to be in the UAE.  I have been here through some of the greatest revolts of our time across Africa and the Middle East, through the capturing and execution of Osama bin Laden, the 10 year anniversary of 911 and the presidential tenure of Barak Obama.  One might think that I have experienced backlash from the Islamic community and while some people may not agree with the U.S.'s politics or policies, they have shown me nothing but love, from my Iraqi doctor to my Pakistani taxi drivers, they all speak highly of Obama and the country I call home.

Indeed, it has been exciting times and trying times, but no matter what, I have always felt safe, respected and sometimes envied by those whom most Americans would think were our enemies.  It has been anything but hostile here and for the first time as a black woman, I feel empowered, not as a black woman, but as an American woman.  I finally feel as though my ancestors blood, sweat and tears were not in vain and that I am living my American dream; free to be me, free to be free.

Until Next Time...Peace & Blessings


Friday, February 18, 2011

What Americans Can Stand to Learn from Egypt

My friends and I had dinner last night at Il Forno, an Italian eatery near my apartment.  This was our second visit.  The first of which happened about 3 weeks ago, while the upheaval in Egypt was taking place.  During our initial visit, we found our  Egyptian waiter to be very friendly and accommodating.  He was even more so when he discovered we were American.

He, a young Egyptian man, was very proud of the citizens in his country who stood up to a political regime that had ruled for 30 years.  He talked about President Obama and how the President had been a bit shifty in whether or not Mubarak should finish his term or step down immediately and while he did not like our politics, he loved our country and what he believed it stood for.

So, when we returned on yesterday, he eagerly made his way to our table to greet us with smiles and warm words.  However, his smile this time, was much brighter than before.  He smiled as though he had no other choice.  It was almost contagious and it didn't take us long to discover why.  He was proud of those who had protested and stood up for their beliefs.  He was proud of his country, but more discernible than not, he was proud to be Egyptian.

I too felt proud with him.  Since the beginning of this revolt, I have firmly stood behind the Egyptian people and their quest for dignity, respect and reform.  Figuring that if even one person believes in the fight, then he must fight, even if he fights alone.  The Egyptian people remind me of my African-American sisters and brothers back home who face high rates of homelessness, joblessness and poverty.  The only difference is that the Egyptian people were sick and tired of being sick and tired, while my sisters and brothers back home sit on a nail that still doesn't hurt bad enough for them to get up.

Although I am proud to be American and wouldn't want to be anything else, I must say that I am not very proud of the discrimination and the unjust treatment of African-Americans in my country.  Equally so, I am not always proud of how content African-Americans have become even when there is substantial proof that they are worse off than Non-Hispanics, Whites, Asians and  Hispanics in areas of income, homelessness, education and over all poverty.

According to the 2008 and 2009 US Census, the median income of Blacks fell below that of all other ethnic groups and between 2008 and 2009 the real median household income declined for non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks, while the poverty rate increased for non-Hispanic Whites, Blacks and Hispanics.  In addition, the uninsured rate and number of uninsured increased for non-Hispanic Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics.

When you couple these statistics with drug infested neighborhoods, ill-equipped and dilapidated schools, as well as police brutality towards Black men and teens, I believe that it's long overdue that African-Americans stand up for their families and their communities.  It's time for Black men and women to take back their streets so that their children can play on the sidewalks that they pay taxes for.   It's time for African-Americans to take back the schools that gangs and drug dealers have declared as their own.  It's time for Black people to stop begging for jobs and waiting in lines for hand outs and to create opportunities for themselves as they once did after slavery, during the Reconstruction Era, as well as the Civil Rights Movement.  It's time to stand up and be the fighting and resilient children and grandchildren of those Civil Rights leaders that came before them.

Surprise, but the fight is not over and the only thing that has changed is the enemy.  Our government is not our enemy.  Sure, they have created conditions that don't fully contribute to the uplifting of Black people, but Black people have also done the same things to themselves.  When teenage delinquents and drug dealers run your communities it's time for a revolt.  When there are high bouts of violence and low rates in graduation and academic achievement, it is time for a revolt.  When there are liquor stores on every corner, but no libraries, conveience stores or gas stations, then it's time for a revolt.  What will it take for African-Americans to realize that their complacency has become the new enemy?

I truly believe that across America, African-Americans need to become more conscientious of the conditions that are contributing to the demise of the race.  Yes, the government has and continues to play a role, but the truth of the matter is, no one will care more for you than you.  No one loves your children the way that you do and no one will be more concerned about you and your families well-being than you should be.  Are we sick and tired yet, or do things need to get worse before they can get better?

The time has come and gone for us to hold our politicians accountable and to ensure that they serve the people, but the time has also run out for us to hold ourselves accountable.  The difference between the Egyptians and the African-Americans in the US, is that the Egyptians knew that they weren't getting what they deserved and they demanded more.  We don't know that we deserve more.  As long as we have our degrees, our house notes, our car notes and a little money in the bank, then we believe that we have arrived, but as King said, "injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere".

The conditions of Black folks in the US is unjust and on some levels inhumane.  We saw it during the Civil Rights Movement and it repeated itself with Rodney King in 1992.  It happened yet again with the Crown Heights uprise of 1991 and with Amadou Diallo in 1999 and with Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but if these events don't prove that it's time for change, then go to the US Census for any given year and read for yourself.

Afterall, the numbers don't lie, even when the people are so comfortable in their discomfort and pretending that the conditions of their sisters and brothers don't effect them or their bottom line.  However, the last time I checked, CEO's and high school dropouts stood in the same unemployment lines.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Abu Dhabi Won't See An Uprising Like Egypt Any Time Soon

My father calls, "did you here about that mess in Egypt?"  "Yes I did", I respond.  "How far is that from you?"  I am eating, somewhat busy, but I know that it isn't cool to ignore Poppas' calls.  Irritated, I reply, "about a 3-4 hour plane ride."  Not satisfied with my answer he goes on, "I have a map right here.  Now, where are you?"  He says, "I see Saudi Arabia and Oman".  I say, "great, we're far right.  Right by Saudi and Oman."   Still unable to find it, he slowly starts repeating what I've said, "Ok, right next to Saudi Arabia and Oman."  Hoping to speed up the process, I say "YES", but still there is no luck.  Perhaps, because he is tired and therefore, unable to think clearly.  Frustrated, I say to him, "call me when you're fully awake so that I can explain.  He agrees and reluctantly disengages the phone.

I feel bad, thinking, how worried I would be if someone I loved seemed to be so far away and yet close to so much chaos and drama.  I am frustrated with the call, but I am certain that my frustration does not compare to his at this time.  He is worried about me, as a father should be, but he is not the only one.  Over the past few weeks, I have received numerous calls and e-mails of concern; people wondering, "is everything ok over there?"

To ease the fears and concerns of my friends and family, I decided to write about why I believe there is no cause for alarm surrounding a similar uprising in the UAE.  What has happened in Tunisia and what is occurring in Egypt are problems of a strong handed government.  A government, I am told has neglected its' people.  A government that has allowed it's people to go jobless, homeless and to ultimately  become, hopeless, but that is not the case in the UAE.  At least, not for now.  The Emirates are happy here.  They have everything that the rest of the world is working so hard to acquire.  They have it all, handed to them for free.

In the UAE, housing, education, medical and a monthly salary is provided for its' citizens.  The best jobs are given first to the Emirates, even without a formal education.  If they choose to graduate from high school and go on to college, the government foots the entire bill and even continues to pay them their full salary while they are studying.  They even encourage them to study abroad and if their spouse goes with them, the spouse is allowed to take a leave of absence from work, if they work, and still receive full pay.  If they don't work, they continue receiving a "salary" similar to our welfare system in the U.S., but the amount of money doesn't even compare.

The nationals here in the UAE want for nothing.  Their government has and continues to provide for them quite well.  The only problem is the fact that the government realizes that their oil money won't last forever and they are eagerly encouraging the Emirates to pursue higher education.  The nationals are slow to take heed and because of that, the future of this great and wealthy company could be reversed in a matter of a few decades.

As for now, the people are well taken care of and that alone, will prevent a similar situation from happening in the UAE as it has happened in Tunisia and now Egypt.  The nationals are too content to complain about their "good" thing.  Besides we all wish we had what they have, without the bureaucracy, control and lack of freedom that comes along with a socialist society.  Who wouldn't want free health care, free education, a tax-free, unearned salary and free housing.  While it does sound good, I have learned, even free comes with a hefty price tag.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Problem With Religion

Now that I have your attention, I want to share with you what I believe to be the problem with religion.    This is not to condemn one group or another.  It is simply to point out the hypocrisy that exist, as  I see it; to shed some light on what I have been experiencing in this Islamic country over the past four months and what I know for sure about Christianity, having been born into, guilted by it and saved literally and figuratively, all in the same breath.  Looking at Christianity and Islam as a basis for this conversation is what I plan to do.  It is not a means to totally demarcate them, because they are more alike, I have found, than they are different.  I hope only to awaken some, to stir up others and to challenge my own ignorance and hypocrisy, along with that of my readers.

For me, I was indoctrinated into Christianity before I could say "mama".  My grandparents were Christians, their parents were Christians, my parents are Christian and all 60 plus of my cousins and extended family are Christian.  Except for maybe, one cousin who converted to Islam when he was in prison.  The truth is, if I have children, I will probably raise them to be Christian.  Not because I believe that it's the best religion on the planet, but because I am ignorant about other religions and Christianity is all I know and therein lies the first problem with religion.  We don't know a thing about the religion of others, yet we condemn them to know end, believing that if we are "right" as we think we are, then everyone else must be wrong.  We don't educate ourselves about the beliefs of others.  Perhaps, we're too afraid that through osmosis, their beliefs will rub off on us.  Or, perhaps too afraid of what we might discover.

The second problem with religion, as I have witnessed here in this Islamic country as well as in my predominantly Christian country, is that far too often, we hide behind religion, instead of standing behind it. What I mean is that we use religion to justify our foul behavior, our mistreatment of others and our intolerance of the world.  Christians believe that they are right and that Muslims are wrong and Muslims believe just the opposite and to that end, we will treat someone poorly based on their views, when we should be leaving the judging to our Creator.

However, here is where I have to agree with the Muslims.  In Islam, they do not date.  They do not believe in sex before marriage and for the most part, I believe that they firmly stand behind that.  The Arabic teachers at my school where I teach, talk to me about their virginity and about the repercussions of having sex before marriage.  They tell me that if a man finds out that they have been with another, they will be out casted; unable to marry and in their eyes, marriage, children and family is one which in which they serve their God.  Here in the UAE, you rarely meet unmarried Muslim women over 30.  Marriage and family is a duty to them.

Now, I'm not agreeing wholeheartedly with this and this goes back to my earlier statement about the guilt that I experienced in Christianity as a confused child growing up.  I was taught to believe that all of my thoughts pertaining to sex were wrong and that I was going to hell if I looked at a boy!  Now, I will admit that I grew up with one foot in the church and one foot out, but nonetheless, I knew other devout Christians who grappled with what it meant to be single in the Christian religion and there are still more women than man in the faith who are unwed, because they're waiting on the "right" Christian man to come along.

Invariably, I have learned that in Islam, they realize that there is lust, wants and desires and so, instead of tempting the flesh, they marry quickly and they typically marry much younger than us Christians.  One problem is that with youth, can come immaturity, but with age can come stubbornness and as we too often see, "baggage".  I know countless unmarried Christian men and women who go to church every Sunday; know every bible verse; contribute tithes and offerings on a weekly basis, but they are still grappling with sex and often times sexuality.  There is indeed a missing link between what we know in Christianity to be true about sex and marriage and what we tend to practice.  

I don't believe that the Muslims are perfect in this regard by no means, but, they seem to have a system in place for how they do what they do.  My question is, where is ours?  And, why are we struggling so ferociously with marriage and intimacy in the "Christian" religion?  I realize that maybe, I am only speaking to Americans and this may or may not apply to Christians in other countries, but all I am saying is that it wouldn't hurt to take a few cues from Islam on this one.  People judge Muslim's way of marrying, but what are we doing that's so much better?  In the African-American community, we have one of the highest rates of single parent households and black women are listed as the least likely to get married of all the people on the planet!

Lastly, I have seen Muslims and Christians alike, treat people like dirt, based on their material possessions.  If you're not Emirate, meaning rich and "affluent" then you're nothing, but it's not just he Emirates, the Egyptians have also shown me parts on them I would have never thought existed.  As well, in the UAE, I have been told of Emirate Muslims who beat their maids to  "break them in" and let them know who's boss.  I have nearly been run off the road by Emirate people driving like maniacs and upset that I won't move to the next lane when they're doing 90 and flashing their head lights on me to get over.  I have seen Muslim people abuse and batter their children in public, because their are no child abuse laws and I have watched Muslim men partake in alcohol and prostitution in a country that would stick me under the jail if I did the same.

There is hypocrisy everywhere and no, Muslims are not perfect, but neither are Christians.  However, hopefully, one day we will all start to realize how we are more alike than we are different.  Perhaps, that's the idealist in me and God knows I am working daily to understand my Arab sisters and brothers, whose faults often times override all of the so called "religion" I was told they had, upon coming to this country.  I am working hard not to judge them so harshly and to recognize that the same imperfect blood that runs through my veins, also runs through theirs.  Neither of us are perfect.  In fact, we're perfectly, imperfect.

"There's so much good in the worst of us 
And so much bad in the best of us 
That it ill behooves all of us 
To find anything wrong with the rest of us."

-author unknown 

Until Next Time...

Peace and Blessings,
